Creative Coffee - Design Everyone Talk

On July 28, the first "Creative Coffee - Design Talk" activity with the theme of "Design remodeling · Urban innovation" was held in Hongshan District, Wuhan Steel Yungu ·606 Industrial Park. Design industry experts gathered in Wuhan for a clash of ideas, presenting a wonderful cultural exchange feast of design.

Zhang Hulin, deputy director of Wuhan Urban and Rural Construction Bureau, Yang Haisong, member of the Party Group of Hongshan District People's Government and second inspector, attended the event and gave a speech, officially opening the 7th Wuhan Design Biennale "Creative coffee - Design talk" series of theme activities, and nearly 100 people from Wuhan Iron and Steel Group, City Investment Group and Wuhan local engineering and industrial design professionals attended the event.

"Creative Coffee · Design Talk" is a series of high-end interview activities launched in the 7th Wuhan Design Biennale and 2023 Wuhan Design Day. The activity will continue to open 6 sessions, aiming to exchange ideas, spread ideas, inspire new thinking, convey ingenuity, and create a good atmosphere for understanding design, supporting design and participating in design in the whole society.

Scientific and technological innovation, design first. The "Creative Coffee · Design Talk" event centered on the 2023 Biennale "Grand Design · Grand Wuhan", with the theme of "Design Reshaping · Urban Innovation", invited Professor Li Zhenyu from Shanghai Tongji University, Professor Ye Zhirong from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Vice General Manager Yin Qinwang from Central South Architectural Design Institute, Deputy Chief Engineer Zhou Tianjie from Tiisi Institute, Focusing on the hot topics of "How creative design promotes the improvement of urban life experience", "the impact of AI artificial intelligence technology on the development of the design industry", and "the training elements of international design talents in the new era", we will carry out in-depth topic discussions, jointly explore the significance of design creativity in promoting urban renewal and development, and exchange the training mode of international creative design talents.

Many practitioners in the design industry and the public participated in the interactive discussion of the inner driving relationship between creative design and urban development through the form of round table conversation, audience interaction and online live broadcast.

The successful holding of this event opens the prelude to the 7th Wuhan Design Biennale and 2023 Wuhan Design Day, building a new platform for the design industry to exchange creative design, making design a new engine for the high-quality development of the city, and contributing to the bright future of the global creative city.